Monitor de Rankings | Artigos
pt-br Matéria publicada na edição 286 de dezembro de 2019 na revista Pesquisa Fapesp. A necessidade de fornecer dados para órgãos de fiscalização e rankings acadêmicos nacionais e internacionais levou as universidades brasileiras a investir na criação de comissões administrativas ou escritórios dedicados à coleta e à análise de informações de desempenho. O exemplo mais recente é o da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), que, em setembro, lançou seu Escritório...
en Between the 8 th and 10 th of May, Jacques Marcovitch presented the Metricas Project’s results from 2017 to 2019, and planned activities to 2022 at the IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence at the University of Bologna. IREG is the global organisation responsible for the oversight of rankings, bringing together researchers, senior university management, representatives from Higher Education funding bodies and the heads of rankings agencies themselves. This...
analysis boletim
This first issue of our boletim bring two in depth analysis considering the release of QS BRICS, and THE. The most significant facts are a slight drop on the positions of the subjects in the THE ranking, mostly because of changes and incorporation of new institutions in their base. As the QS BRICS also brings a set of challenges, translated into a few advices on how to improve the performance...
The publication of this year’s BRICS analysis has brought the typical variety of headlines as like in the QS Latin America ranking, USP has slipped behind Unicamp into 13th position. While this will always generate the largest headline, there are much more important lessons to take from this ranking. As we know, in terms of research performance, USP and Unicamp are extremely close, with USP being favoured in non-size normalised...