Jacques Marcovitch
Emeritus professor of the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA) and the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of the University of São Paulo (USP), of which he was rector. Member of the governing board of the Mindlin Library and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), in Geneva.
Cleópatra da Silva Planeta
Dean of University Extension at the State University of São Paulo (Unesp). Professor of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Unesp, of which she was director. Doctor in pharmacology (USP), post-doctorate at the Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience – Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA.
José Augusto Chaves Guimarães
Professor of the Department of Information Science at Unesp, Marília campus. Doctor in communication science (USP). Post-doctorate at Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain). Formerly coordinator of the Institutional Commission of Rankings at Unesp.
Justin Axel-Berg
Researcher in university governance and higher education development. Graduate in philosophy from the University of Sussex. Master through the Institute of International Relations (IRI) at the University of São Paulo (USP). Member of the International Triple Helix Association.
Luiz Nunes de Oliveira
Full professor at the São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC-USP). Was the Dean of Research at USP, presidente of the Special Commission of Career Progression (CERT) and editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Journal of Physics.
Marisa Masumi Beppu
Professor of Chemical Engineering at Unicamp. Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Unicamp with placements at North Carolina State University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Coordinator of the Product Engineering and Chemistry Laboratory. Formerly Dean of University Development at Unicamp.
Nina Ranieri
Coordinator of the Unesco Chair for Rights to Education. Professor of the Department of State Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo (FDUSP). Formerly Secretary-general of USP. Member of the Paulista Academy of Education and the Global Education Law Forum, GELF, Netherlands.
Renato Hyuda de Luna Pedrosa
Associate professor of the Institute of Geosciences at Unicamp. Coordinator of the special programme of indicators at FAPESP and of the Laboratory Higher Education Studies at Unicamp.
Administrative group USP/Unicamp/Unesp
Aluísio Cotrim Segurado
Coordinator of the Office for Management of Academic Performance Indicators (EGIDA) of the University of São Paulo. President of the Directing Council of the Clinical Hospital of FMUSP. Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Parasites at the Faculty of Medicine of USP.
Carlos Eduardo Vergani
Head of the Rector’s Cabinet of the State University of São Paulo – Unesp. Professor of Dentistry of Araraquara (Unesp). Formerly a researcher of the Eastman Dental Institute at University College London, UK. Lead researcher of the Centre for the Development of Functional Materials (Cepid/FAPESP).