Analysis Technical Reviews

THE Impact 2024

Analysis of the 2024 THE impact Ranking results for the public universities of the state of São Paulo

Analysis Technical Reviews

THE Impact 2024

Report on the aggregate performance of the public universities in the state of São Paulo

Analysis Contents

Times Higher Reputation 2023

The Times Higher Education Reputation Ranking for 2023 was released in February
2024, despite although it should be noted that it is the reputation ranking used to inform
the previous year’s rankings. Therefore, it should be considered relevant only to those
results already published, not forthcoming ones.

Contents Highlights

  Five challenges for contemporary Brazil

Democratic renewal, food security, reindustrialization, digital transition, sustainability in the Amazon biome are critical challenges faced by Brazilian society

Analysis Ranking Monitor

QS Subject 2022

The QS Subject analyzes participating institutions in 51 areas of knowledge, divided into five broad areas: arts and humanities, life and clinical sciences, natural sciences, engineering and technology, and applied social and social sciences. The performance of state universities in São Paulo in the 2021 edition of the QS Subject was analyzed in a report […]

Analysis Ranking Monitor

Global Employer University Ranking Survey (GEURS) 2022

The GEURS ranking is now in its 11th edition. It is composed of a global survey of employers to ask not only who they regard as the best institutions to employ graduates from, but the skills and dimensions that they value when looking for new hires. This makes the survey more detailed than the similarly structured QS Employability Ranking.

Analysis Ranking Monitor

Times Higher Education Young Universities 2022

The Times Higher Education Young Universities counts universities that are 50 years old or younger, meaning that in the state of São Paulo the only public universities eligible for inclusion are Unesp (for another four years) and UFABC.


QS 2022 World University Ranking

The QS World University Rankings aims to guide students and their families in choosing higher education institutions. Its methodology is based on: an academic reputation survey (40%); an employer opinion survey (10%); number of students per full-time equivalent academic staff (FTE) (20%); number of citations per FTE staff normalized by area of ​​knowledge and year […]

Highlights Institutional Reports Selected readings

Embrapa Social impact report 2020

Embrapa released its 2020 Social Report. Its content offers key input and result statistics. Such metrics allow an estimation of the social impact of Embrapa’s research and extension. Impacts such as the number of jobs generated and the return on investment. The 2020 social reporting is based on Embrapa’s impact assessment model. A model that […]

Articles Highlights

The renewed science and technology policy of the U.S.A.

On assuming the presidency of the United States on the 21st of January 2021, one of President Joe Biden’s first moves was to appoint Eric Lander as the new Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and as Science Advisor to the President. This title, for the first time in American history, was […]

Analysis Contents Ranking Monitor

Times Higher Education Young Universities 2020

THE defines a young university as one established less than 50 years previously.

Contents Highlights Public Activities

Universities in the construction of a new era

Jacques Marcovitch, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil  THE Latam, July 7th, 2020 from 10:05 to 10h35  Good morning, I would like to thank Times Higher Education for providing such a unique opportunity to discuss the theme Universities for the public good: reasserting the value of higher education post-pandemic. At such an uncertain moment in our institutions, […]

Contents Highlights Technical Reviews

The Crises of 2020 and international comparison indicators

As an epoch changing rupture event in human society, we can expect that almost all areas of the science system will be in some way affected by covid-19. These disruptions will lead to new challenges, new solutions to some challenges and newly impoverished actors who suddenly find themselves severely tested by the new environment.

Contents Highlights Technical Reviews

How good are Brazilian universities?

How is Brazilian research performing? Public universities are complex institutions that fulfil a huge variety of functions and roles within society. They have differing missions, levels of output and attending a variety of different sectors of society. The universities who feature in international rankings are research-intensive – they are dedicated to the production of new […]

Contents Highlights Technical Reviews

Benchmark of communications approaches to coronavirus with international peers

In times of crisis, the public need to know that universities are at the vanguard of the fight against the global pandemic. They are not, as the minister of education claimed, closed. In fact, the state universities’ positioning has been commendable, pointing out that the universities will continue to function, protect its community with distancing, […]

Analysis Contents Ranking Monitor

Nature index Young Universities 2019

The Nature index’s source is based only on the number of articles published in Nature titles. The index does not contain citations, and only covers the publisher’s own journals. It is therefore neither a measure of impact, nor of productivity, but of a university’s ability to produce articles in one highly reputable source.

Analysis Contents Highlights Ranking Monitor

Analysis QS Subject 2020

This ranking measures, first the result of their academic reputation survey, the second, the results of their employer reputation survey. The other two are the number of citations per paper (citation rate) and a variant of the Hirsch index over five years, which purportedly measures both productivity and the fourth?, highly cited knowledge production, being a measure of h papers with h citations. This means that highly productive research groups are represented better than in mean citation rate.

Analysis Contents Ranking Monitor

Times Higher Education Emerging Economies 2020

As the sample has expanded over the past five years – from 200 in 2016 to 533 in 2020. This means that while the universities have improved in all indicators over this period, it cannot be said with certainty that this relates to absolute gains.

Contents Selected readings

Brazilian Universities under the microscope

Dados do Leiden Ranking 2019 ajudam a mostrar quais são os centros de excelência em pesquisa no Brasil, mas também deixam claro que avaliar a produção científica não é tarefa simples

Analysis Contents Ranking Monitor

THE World University Ranking 2020

This article observes the results and mobility of the São Paulo State HE institutions performance in the THE World University Ranking 2020.