Highlights Videos Workshops

Pathways for greater social engagement of universities

Professor John Aubrey Douglass from the University of California at Berkeley presents his thoughts on how the public university can improve their relationships with different segments of society. Comments by Prof. Elizabeth Balbachevsky, from the FFLCH/USP

Professor John Aubrey Douglass from the University of California at Berkeley presents his thoughts on how the public university can improve their relationships with different segments of society. Comments by Prof. Elisabeth Balbachevsky, from the FFLCH/USP.

About the session

How can we improve interaction between society and the university? This session will be held in english. John Aubrey Douglass (UC Berkeley) Yvonne Mascarenhas (IFSC/USP) Elizabeth Balbachevsky (FFLCH/USP) Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri (FD/USP) The articulation of interfaces and partnerships with external stakeholders increases the potential for generating social impact from research, teaching and knowledge exchange. At the same time, effective participation from society in decision making processes in the university increases cohesion with society to help the university execute the programmes and projects of the universities.

  • How can social actors be engaged in constructing a vision of the future of the universities?
  • Which indicators focused on society should be adopted to delineate priorities?
  • Which indicators show the contribution of the universities to sustainable development?
  • Which are the potential partners among movements and coalitions from civil society?