1st december, tuesday
14h00 – 15h30 (BRT)
From university-centric metrics to society-centric metrics
- Carlos Azzoni (USP)
- Cleópatra Planeta (UNESP)
- Pedro Teixeira (U. do Porto)
- Renato Pedrosa (Unicamp)
- Robin Mason (University of Birmingham)
Metrics centered on society aim to highlight the answers given by the university to the needs and expectations of the community that maintains it. In this way, we seek to respond to demands, such as public health, employment and income generation and facing environmental challenges. Society-centered indicators include, among others: impact on the value generated by the productivity of trained professionals; impact of companies created by graduates; impact in terms of employment and income generated by graduates; and direct and indirect impact of the university’s human and financial resources on its surroundings.
- Which public policies on the national agenda had an academic origin or a decisive contribution from universities?
- How to measure the economic, social and cultural impact of a university?
- What are the indicators that show the impact of the university in facing society’s challenges?
- What are the challenges for the formation of these indicators and how can they be overcome?
2nd december, wednsday
14h00 – 15h30 (BRT)
How can we improve interaction between society and the university?
This session will be held in english.
- Elizabeth Balbachevsky (FFLCH/USP)
- John Aubrey Douglass (UC Berkeley)
- Nina Beatriz Stocco Ranieri (FD/USP)
- Yvonne Mascarenhas (IFSC/USP) – Text contribution
The articulation of interfaces and partnerships with external stakeholders increases the potential for generating social impact from research, teaching and knowledge exchange. At the same time, effective participation from society in decision making processes in the university increases cohesion with society to help the university execute the programmes and projects of the universities.
- How can social actors be engaged in constructing a vision of the future of the universities?
- Which indicators focused on society should be adopted to delineate priorities?
- Which indicators show the contribution of the universities to sustainable development?
- Which are the potential partners among movements and coalitions from civil society?
Location: Via Zoom
Further information: metricas.edu@usp.br
Books (pt-BR): Repensar a Universidade I | Repensar a Universidade II