Contents Highlights Technical Reviews

The Crises of 2020 and international comparison indicators

As an epoch changing rupture event in human society, we can expect that almost all areas of the science system will be in some way affected by covid-19. These disruptions will lead to new challenges, new solutions to some challenges and newly impoverished actors who suddenly find themselves severely tested by the new environment.

Contents Highlights Technical Reviews

How good are Brazilian universities?

How is Brazilian research performing? Public universities are complex institutions that fulfil a huge variety of functions and roles within society. They have differing missions, levels of output and attending a variety of different sectors of society. The universities who feature in international rankings are research-intensive – they are dedicated to the production of new […]

Contents Highlights Technical Reviews

Benchmark of communications approaches to coronavirus with international peers

In times of crisis, the public need to know that universities are at the vanguard of the fight against the global pandemic. They are not, as the minister of education claimed, closed. In fact, the state universities’ positioning has been commendable, pointing out that the universities will continue to function, protect its community with distancing, […]

Analysis Contents Highlights Ranking Monitor

Analysis QS Subject 2020

This ranking measures, first the result of their academic reputation survey, the second, the results of their employer reputation survey. The other two are the number of citations per paper (citation rate) and a variant of the Hirsch index over five years, which purportedly measures both productivity and the fourth?, highly cited knowledge production, being a measure of h papers with h citations. This means that highly productive research groups are represented better than in mean citation rate.