This report provides a structured way of comparing the functioning of higher education systems. Approaches such as this encourage universities to think and strategise together and cooperate for visions of the future, rather than competing with one another.
Author: Metricas
Making of a good institutional report
The best university reports are written with their ideal audience in mind. These are the key stakeholders who make vital decisions about the financing of higher education institutions.
V Workshop Metricas
1st december, tuesday14h00 – 15h30 (BRT) From university-centric metrics to society-centric metrics Carlos Azzoni (USP) Cleópatra Planeta (UNESP) Pedro Teixeira (U. do Porto) Renato Pedrosa (Unicamp) Robin Mason (University of Birmingham) Metrics centered on society aim to highlight the answers given by the university to the needs and expectations of the community that maintains it. […]
UNIFEI President’s Report
One of the enduring challenges for Brazilian higher education in public is the need to communicate to the public that money directed towards higher education and science is not expenditure; it is investment. Every real spent on public higher education pays off multiple times over for the economy. This is something that has been highlighted […]
This week the INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group published the findings of its work to develop a method for rating the World University Rankings. Critical evaluation of international comparisons according to principles of responsible research evaluation are an important way that the community can better understand how rankings work, and to turn a critical lens […]
THE defines a young university as one established less than 50 years previously.
Jacques Marcovitch, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil THE Latam, July 7th, 2020 from 10:05 to 10h35 Good morning, I would like to thank Times Higher Education for providing such a unique opportunity to discuss the theme Universities for the public good: reasserting the value of higher education post-pandemic. At such an uncertain moment in our institutions, […]
III Forum
The crises of 2020 and the new era emerging The role of the university in the first year after the pandemic and in the construction of a new time more attentive to social demands. What are the lessons of Covid-19 for higher education and university research? Areas of knowledge and their indicators Distinct disciplines can […]

As an epoch changing rupture event in human society, we can expect that almost all areas of the science system will be in some way affected by covid-19. These disruptions will lead to new challenges, new solutions to some challenges and newly impoverished actors who suddenly find themselves severely tested by the new environment.

How is Brazilian research performing? Public universities are complex institutions that fulfil a huge variety of functions and roles within society. They have differing missions, levels of output and attending a variety of different sectors of society. The universities who feature in international rankings are research-intensive – they are dedicated to the production of new […]
In times of crisis, the public need to know that universities are at the vanguard of the fight against the global pandemic. They are not, as the minister of education claimed, closed. In fact, the state universities’ positioning has been commendable, pointing out that the universities will continue to function, protect its community with distancing, […]
The Nature index’s source is based only on the number of articles published in Nature titles. The index does not contain citations, and only covers the publisher’s own journals. It is therefore neither a measure of impact, nor of productivity, but of a university’s ability to produce articles in one highly reputable source.
This ranking measures, first the result of their academic reputation survey, the second, the results of their employer reputation survey. The other two are the number of citations per paper (citation rate) and a variant of the Hirsch index over five years, which purportedly measures both productivity and the fourth?, highly cited knowledge production, being a measure of h papers with h citations. This means that highly productive research groups are represented better than in mean citation rate.
As the sample has expanded over the past five years – from 200 in 2016 to 533 in 2020. This means that while the universities have improved in all indicators over this period, it cannot be said with certainty that this relates to absolute gains.
Dados do Leiden Ranking 2019 ajudam a mostrar quais são os centros de excelência em pesquisa no Brasil, mas também deixam claro que avaliar a produção científica não é tarefa simples
This article observes the results and mobility of the São Paulo State HE institutions performance in the THE World University Ranking 2020.
This recomended article proposes a new way of looking into consolidated vocabulary, and shed light to the subject on how the higher education institutions deals with the value of publication.
Literature review
We live in an age of accountability. Public expenditure must be measured in terms of its impact and effective deployment in order to satisfy the requirements of democratic states (RANSON, 2003)). One area in which this has had noticeable impact is in higher education, with institutions under pressure to demonstrate effective deployment of resources in a […]

Originally starting out as a partnership between Times Higher Education and Quacquarelli Symonds, before splitting in 2007 into two separate rankings powered by separate ranking compilers
This ranking was previously published by Thomson Reuters, but following the acquisition of their intellectual property wing in 2017 by Clarivate Analytics, who still continue the ranking under the Reuters name.